She, the neatest; she the most decent; she the tallest.
Federico Garcia Lorca (1936). Bernarda Alba’s house.
Good rest won her poor husband!
Since June 23, 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations has declared a day to make visible and draw the attention of the world population to the vulnerability suffered by women who have lost their husbands, the so-called widows.
It was an initiative of the Loomba Foundation (The Loomba Foundation) of England in 1997 and the idea of Raj Loomba, son of a widowed mother in India, a country where these women without economic resources of their own are stripped of all civil rights, so most are in extreme poverty. In that nation, women preferred to die on the funeral pyre of their deceased husbands, before seeing themselves defenseless. Today the foundation works to help widowed women around the world. Learn more about this noble work: https://www.theloombafoundation.org
The celebration of International Widows’ Day is intended to eliminate widespread abuse in countries where religious beliefs and social practices prevail, where women are blamed for the death of their husbands and are considered a social burden. Widowhood in many countries is invisible due to the lack of rights, they do not have more opportunities, they do not have the support of the extended family and they do not have a home or legalized inheritances.
Due to the patriarchal culture, which prevails in almost the entire world, women from various countries have few opportunities to study, they are dedicated to taking care of the home and their children, without receiving their own salaries and when their husbands are absent, they remain in poverty. definitive. Another aspect is the emotional situation in which they find themselves when losing their life partner, which greatly affects their physical and mental health.
According to the UN, there are more than 258 million widows worldwide and 115 million live in extreme poverty. The causes of widowhood are increasing and the figures have risen due to recent wars and epidemics, in particular, that of Covid-19. Women have fewer opportunities to obtain pensions in old age and it can lead to destitution for older women. Medical care is less accessible for widows due to a lack of social security.
It is time to recognize the rights of these women and legal action is a priority. It is necessary to maintain communication between families about access to inheritances or pensions, if they exist, in the event of the death of the spouses, to support their resources and those of their families, especially when there are minor children. We believe that married couples should talk about legal matters and make wills in a time of vital fullness.
Although it is true that nothing prepares us for the loss of a spouse, although sometimes a terminal illness occurs that can give warning, anticipation is a tool that offers security and peace of mind. It is hard to say, but it is important to have a funeral forecast plan, so as not to have unnecessary expenses at the most painful moment. For more information in this regard visit: https://www.delpueblofuneralhome.com/es/previsor-plan/#why-pre-plan
In the United States, it is recommended to call Social Security and Medicare to apply for a spouse’s benefits. If the deceased was a veteran, contact the Veterans Administration. It is recommended to know in advance everything related to the procedures, and information about bank accounts, insurance companies, retirement accounts, and creditors. If you find yourself in this situation, do not hesitate to ask a family member or a lawyer for this advice.
The lack of labor autonomy of women forced them to make greater efforts to manage their resources and some marry again to increase their livelihood. Due to beliefs and social prejudices, women may feel that they need a man to complement them financially and emotionally. It is a social condition that must be eliminated and widowed women empowered to enjoy their human rights and attain the opportunity to develop an independent life after bereavement.
Older women who are widowed tend to be more unprotected, as they face a very great emotional emptiness, they do not find a place in their families and they feel that no one needs them. The groups of friends with whom they used to meet have dispersed and they are left in an environment of grief and loneliness that affects their health to the point of depression. Families can create a support network for single women and encourage them to find a new purpose in life.
Elderly people in mourning must be attentive to physical reactions to being notified to the doctor or health services. Chest pain, fatigue, lack of resistance to disease, high blood pressure, and excessive emotional reaction may occur, these symptoms associated with the death of the spouse can impede normal activities of life.
Some mental health experts recommend seeking out support groups in the community, at religious or spiritual centers, doing self-help reading, and asking your doctor for advice on how to feel better. For the grieving process, it is good to donate the husband’s clothes or belongings and avoid attachment to objects. By donating we benefit disadvantaged people and extend feelings of love to others. On the internet there are groups that show great empathy and support, visit https://www.clubdelasviudas.com.
At Del Pueblo Funeral Home we join the spirit of International Widows’ Day to observe if our family or ourselves are going through this difficult situation to cope, we believe that anticipating personal matters is of great help. In the midst of such a great loss as a life partner, it is difficult to find our place in this world and find the strength to move forward and sometimes take care of the family, that is why we tell you to ask for help at all times. We remind you that love never dies, that we will always meet again and we make the most difficult moments easy.